High-deductible insurance plans are possibly the most feared and neglected plans. Many insurance holders who have invested in deductible plans either did it unwillingly or were forced. While there has been an increase in the number of deductible insurance policyholders, people are yet to discover the real deal and the ways to save money with a high-deductible plan. If like many others you have been searching for the most possible way to save money on your insurance policy, here I am going to enlighten you on the tricks to use in using high-deductible plan to save money and still boost the quality of your self-care and healthcare.
Look out For The Best and Cheapest Healthcare Services
Very few people take their time to search for the best and most affordable healthcare services before they buy an insurance policy. Most if not all of the insurancepolicyholders consider it the insurance company. Unlike in the past out-patient centers and hospitals used to charge cash-buyer more than insurance companies, today, insurance companies are being charged more. This is certainly due to the fact that the lengthy process insurance companies take them through end up making them waste lots of time which they must recover by overcharging them. And remember! The more the insurance company is charged, the more the deductible amount you will pay. Searching for best healthcare facilities that offer quality and affordable services may help you minimize your deductible costs. This is because,for the minor procedures that would cost fewer dollars, you will pay by cash something which will enable you to make great savings on your insurance deductibles.
Create A Health Savings Account
If you have purchased a deductible insurance policy plan that’s more than $1300 for one person or $2600 for a family, you will have already qualified to open a health savings account. The money in the health savings account is usually tax-free and you can it to cater for your medical bills or even use it as a retirement account. The best thing about the health savings account is that the money that will be available as a balance by year end will be rollover to the following year. This allows you to save more money for future and retirement needs. The fact that you are the sole owner of the money saved in this account means that even if you alternate changes, you will still hold ownership to that account.
Make Use Of Preventive Care Service
People who have a high deductibles insurance plan will often be required to pay more for their own care. That said you may benefit a lot if you consider taking advantage of the free services. According to the Affordable Care Act, preventive care should be provided free of charge irrespective of whether you have a deductible plan or not. This clearly means that you are edible for free basic checkups that saves you the upfront cost you may otherwise be required to pay before you get to know what you are exactly suffering from. While the checkups are the only ones offered for free, they enable you to know what you are suffering from ensuring that you start getting treatments for the exact condition you are suffering from rather than wasting time and money getting treatments for the wrong disease.
Consider Opting For In-Network Providers
Another of the most amazing ways to save money on the high insurance deductible plan is to get your treatments from in-network service providers. It is already confirmed and proven that in-network service providers charge the insurance companies lower than out-of-the-network services. The fact that such health care service providers have a link with your insurance company means that they must have entered into an agreement before they settled for any relationship. Therefore, when using their healthcare services; you will often pay less regardless of whether you pay through the insurance company or in case. Therefore, it is advisable you know the healthcare providers who are in your insurance company’s network before you go ahead with buying the insurance deductible.
Negotiable For Better Pricing
Negotiation is allowed even in hospitals. You should not blindly agree to the bills given to you by your preferred medical doctor. Whenever you feel that the bill given to you is way too high, you may try to talk with the doctor to see if they can reduce it. For the best results, it is advised you talk with the doctor and agree on the pricing before you go ahead to get the treatment services. Some hospitals offer discounts for customers who pay out of the pocket so it will be good you confirm with your hospital to know the discounts on offer. When you are going for costlier treatments like surgery and you have to agree on the payment before the treatment, it is good you put the agreement in form of writing to avoid any problems that may arise later after the treatment.
Our bodies are prone to getting sick regardless of how healthy we eat and far we stay from situations that may trigger the development of diseases. Some diseases happen so quickly and at times when we don’t have the finances to cater for the medical bills. It is for this reason; you are highly advised to always buy an insurance policy. The insurance policy will come in handy during such instances. If you have already purchased a high deductible insurance policy but you think that you have been spending so much on the deductibles, it is the high time you took the right measures to ensure you can save some money.
As you can see above, there are multiple ways you can make some great savings with the high deductible insurance policy. It’s crucial you have a look at each of these hacks and make sure you understand how to best use it and when to best use it to avoid disappointments and any inconveniences that may arise in the process. It is advised you talk with your insurance provider also to know which of the hospitals in their network offers the best rate.